IRT Saint-Exupéry trusts us with our software : EikoTwin

  • By Elisa Perozzi, Strategic & Digital Marketing Manager at EikoSim

Ludovic Barrière is Project Manager at IRT Saint-Exupéry. He tells us about his experience with our software: EikoTwin DIC and EikoTwin Digital Twin.

IRT Saint Exupéry and EikoTwin software
IRT Saint-Exupéry

The software EikoTwin DIC in a few words

EikoTwin DIC is an image-processing software dedicated to the link between measurements and numerical simulations. It uses a patented measurement technology to provide an automatic test-calculation comparison.

It allows the determination of model errors and the identification of error sources.

According to Ludovic Barrière’s experience: “In the context of the technological research projects we are conducting on architectural materials, the test-calculation correlation is essential for exploiting sometimes complex tests and validating models, from the simple specimen to the technological demonstrator. The Eikosim tools have allowed us to perform field measurements on lattice structures, to understand the deformation mechanisms, and to make the link with the models we have developed very easily. This last point was fundamental to demonstrating the validity of the models. “

Another EikoTwin software: Digital Twin 

EikoTwin Digital Twin enables the engineer to improve his simulation by using his test data best. It implements “augmented simulations”, which use the measured data as boundary conditions. It also allows the identification of material parameters to get a simulation closer to the expected result.

IRT Saint-Exupéry has chosen Digital Twin for their lattice structure development project. Ludovic Barrière said, “The use of EikoTwin has allowed us, via augmented simulation, to correct overly idealized boundary conditions or to isolate regions of interest. The inverse identification proposed by Digital Twin has also given very promising results for reviewing the calibration and validation processes of the models by reducing the number of tests. The reverse identification proposed by Digital Twin has also yielded very promising results for revising model calibration and validation processes by reducing the number of tests. “

Who is EikoSim?

Since 2016 EikoSim is committed to developing with its customers the use of imaging for the exploitation of their mechanical tests. The company’s offer allows them to improve the validation of their numerical simulations. Thanks to its expertise in test-calculation dialogue, EikoSim helps engineers to exploit mechanical tests better. By proposing innovative software to integrate test data in the numerical design chain.

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