EikoTwin Virtual
EikoTwin Virtual allows you to anticipate experimental difficulties by preparing completely virtual DIC tests and test case specification.
The use of DIC on complex structures is often limited by the use of cameras in geometrically complex environments. Based on the open-source software Blender, EikoTwin Virtual allows us to prevent these problems and estimate future measurement errors.
The use of virtual DIC scenes widely improves the chances of making the right choices via test procedure specification before the test.

EikoSim's engineering partners and customers

Applications and tutorials
Crash-test and image correlation: how to measure seat deformations and follow the dummy’s movements
Crash tests are crucial in developing and certifying products, especially for the automotive, aeronautical, and railway industries. These tests simulate collision or impact scenarios in order to evaluate the resistance and safety of products. Among the equipment used to perform these tests is the reverse catapult, which is a device that projects an object, in…
How ArianeGroup improves simulation credibility with EikoTwin and DIC
Simulation credibility is a key aspect of the Virtual Testing concept. As the European leader in space launchers, Ariane Group participates with EikoSim in multiple Research and Development projects, including a RAPID R&D project (“MUTATION”) funded by the Direction Générale de l’Armement. This project aims at developing an industrial platform for test-simulation dialogue to meet…
Preparation of your Digital Image Correlation test with Blender
This article invites you to care about an unexpected topic: the preparation of a digital image correlation test with Blender. While research articles do not always mention this aspect of digital image correlation measurements, test preparation is a crucial step in the procedure. The aim is to ensure that the images that will be taken…
EikoTwin Virtual: a support tool for the preparation of your virtual tests with Blender
The first stable version of the blenDIC add-on has been released. It is a photo-realistic image generation tool for setting up and performing virtual tests involving digital image correlation using the open source 3D animation software Blender. BlenDIC is an open source (GPL) add-on to Blender that encapsulates a large number of tools allowing Blender…