The Summer 2021 release of the EikoTwin suite is available! Discover the details of the new features!

On the menu of the EikoTwin Summer 2021 release, new functionalities for all the software of the suite, an optimized management of installations and licenses, as well as an online self-training module. Discover the details down below!

Eikotwin Virtual X2 1
  • Faster images generation.
  • Regular” and “Advanced” user modes.
  • Positioning and moving of “circle” and “bowtie” markers (beta).
  • Positioning of markings to facilitate pre-calibration in EikoTwin DIC (beta).
  • Import of camera CADs to take into account their volume.
  • Visualization of sharp areas by taking into account the depth of field (beta).
Capture (7)
Camera CADs and markers in EikoTwin Virtual
Eikotwin Vision X2 1
  • Installer containing the necessary drivers from Vimba.
  • Management of images “dropped” by a camera: you will be notified if an image is lost by one of the cameras during the acquisition.
Eikotwin Dic X2 1
  • New “Markers Tracking” plug-in with 2 usage modes: “Post-processing” and “Live”, compatible with “circle” and “bowtie” type markers.
  • More robust management of multi-camera cases to use 4, 6, 8 or more cameras in parallel.
  • Hybrid calibration compatible with all ChAruCo targets from
  • Optimization of plots for large data sets.
  • Video export of results in .avi format.
Markers Tracking plug-in in EikoTwin DIC
Eikotwin Digtal Twin X2 1
  • New “Thermal” plug-in that allows you to apply temperature boundary conditions and export your simulation model.
  • New workflow integrating a sensitivity analysis to know the identifiable material parameters.
Thermal plug-in in EikoTwin Digital Twin

All software and plug-ins now come with an installer, a FlexNet floating license system and comprehensive installation and user documentation.

In addition, to further develop your user skills, we are introducing a self-assessment process, a new training offer and a self-training platform called EikoAcademy.

Feel free to check our blog and social networks, and contact us directly for more information!

See you soon to share the EikoTwin experience!

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