The Spring 2022 release of the EikoTwin suite is available. Discover the details of the new features!

On the menu of the EikoTwin Spring 2022 release, new features for all the software of the suite, and a newcomer! Discover the rest below, with first the presentation of EikoTwin Lite!

Release EikoTwin 2022

EikoTwin Lite is a new tool that allows you to compare traditional sensor data with simulation results in one click. Import your simulation model in seconds, and process data from strain gages, force and displacement sensors in seconds. Efficiently perform simulation validation using analysis functions developed for a wide range of sensors. 
Want to know more? Check out our video!

Release EikoTwin 2022
  • Import of Samcef .dat mesh format
  • Import of mesh format and simulation results in Altair .h3d format
  • Creation of camera pairs and calculation of stereo angles
  • Selection of cameras to be taken into account during rendering
  • Visualization of sharp areas by taking into account the depth of field

Release EikoTwin 2022
  • Uncertainties module (standard) for the calculation and import of measurement uncertainties
  • Import of Samcef .dat mesh format
  • Import of mesh format and simulation results in Altair .h3d format
  • Multi-part management for Abaqus
  • Import of sensor groups
  • Image brightening for pre-calibration
  • Import and export of pre-calibration points
  • Export of figures: field on deformed image

Release EikoTwin 2022
  • Samcef management for boundary condition management, sensitivity calculation and identification
  • Divergent Colormap for test/simulation difference fields

Feel free to check out our blog and social networks, and contact us directly for more information!
See you soon to share the EikoTwin experience!

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