Bridge the gap between test and simulation

Validation engineering simplified with EikoSim.

EikoSim offers complete solutions for validating models and making engineering decisions in the field of structural mechanics.

EikoSim's engineering partners and customers

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What is engineering validation?

Engineering validation is a crucial aspect of engineering that ensures that systems, processes, products, or designs meet specific requirements, standards, and regulations. It involves carefully evaluating the product or system throughout its development cycle to prove that it functions as intended and meets the desired quality, safety, and reliability standards.


Engineering validation guarantees that a product or system is fit for its intended use and can operate reliably and securely in its designated setting. In structural mechanics, validation engineers undertake various tasks to achieve this goal, including planning, designing comprehensive test protocols, conducting rigorous testing, analyzing the results, and documenting the outcomes thoroughly.

Engineering Validation Eikosim
Engineering Validation Testing With Eikosim

Why is an engineering validation test important?

The validation process is crucial for simulation engineers as it ensures the precision, dependability, and authenticity of simulation models and their results.


Simulation engineers gain valuable knowledge by utilizing computer-generated models to study structures, but to be considered predictive, they have to be corroborated with testing. This enables engineers to make well-informed choices and improve the overall efficiency of various engineering systems.


With these validation methods, simulation engineers can achieve higher accuracy in their work and build confidence in their simulation efforts.

How does EikoSim provide validation for engineers?

EikoSim supports engineers in simulation validation for structural mechanics through its advanced features and capabilities:


    1. Test preparation and instrumentation: EikoSim supports test engineers by giving them tools to correctly instrument their tests to obtain measurement results that can be leveraged by simulation users.
    2. Field Measurements: EikoSim’s measurement solutions provide large volumes of test data, directly available in the simulation reference system.
    3. Validation against Experimental Data: EikoTwin lets engineers compare simulations with physical measurements to ensure accurate structural performance. This validation process increases confidence in using simulation models for design and analysis.
    4. Material Characterization: EikoTwin helps engineers identify material properties and simulate structural responses accurately for various material models and custom properties based on real-world testing data.
    5. Boundary Conditions and Loading: EikoTwin allows engineers to define boundary conditions and loading scenarios relevant to the structural mechanic's simulation. Engineers can apply forces, displacements, constraints, and other boundary conditions to represent real-world operating conditions accurately. This capability ensures the simulation accurately captures the structure accordingly to what happened during the test.


EikoSim offers engineers measurement analysis and validation tools for safe and efficient structural design.

Eikosim Simulation Validation

EikoSim provides engineering validation solutions for structural mechanics. Validation, Verification and Uncertainty Quantification (VVUQ) techniques help build confidence in simulation models, thanks to the study of specific criteria regarding the model development process.


EikoSim supports its customers who strive to improve on one or several of these criteria, such as understanding on material properties, boundary conditions, validation techniques or uncertainty quantification.


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