Safran Ceramics trusts EikoSim with the “Thermal” plug-in

  • By Elisa Perozzi, Strategic & Digital Marketing Manager at EikoSim

Benjamin Lacombe is a Mechanical Design Engineer at Safran Ceramics. He tells us about his experience with EikoTwin DIC and the development of the “Thermal” plug-in.

Safran Due

« I work at Safran Ceramics, Safran group’s center of excellence for high-temperature composites. We are in charge of developing high-temperature solutions for tomorrow’s aircraft. We conduct a large number of temperature tests, for which the test/simulation dialogue is essential to obtain all the information we need. Our tests are therefore highly multi-instrumental, in particular using thermal instrumentation.

In the past, to adjust our test models, we used either a very small part of the field data from our infra-red cameras, or all the data but extracted via complex procedures that were very geometry-dependent.

On the basis of our engineers’ requests, EikoSim teams have developed a thermal plug-in integrated to EikoTwin DIC which allows us to benefit from the formalism of the tool to exploit our thermal observables. This has enabled us to make a very important leap forward in terms of the quality of our adjustments and also in terms of operating time.

We are now able to have a complete view of the simulation/measurement deviations on the scale of the complex parts we test. »

EikoTwin DIC “Thermal” plug-in in collaboration with Safran Ceramics

The EikoTwin DIC “Thermal” plug-in was developed in collaboration with Safran Ceramics and has been commercially available since January 2021.

It combines the measurement capabilities of EikoTwin DIC (displacements, deformations) with infrared camera images.

This makes it possible to link temperature and deformation directly on the simulation mesh. The user can also integrate temperature sensors (thermocouples, pyrometers).

Thus, it can complement the measurement means generally used in thermo-mechanics.

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Who is EikoSim?

Since 2016, EikoSim has developed the use of imaging with its customers for the exploitation of their mechanical tests. The company’s offer allows them to improve the validation of their numerical simulations. Thanks to its expertise in test-simulation dialogue, EikoSim helps engineers to better leverage mechanical tests. EikoSim’s offer aims at integrating test data into the digital design chain.

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